Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Slip and Slide

The ultrasound session went very well. Everything measured normally and the baby was very photogenic. 
They calculated the delivery date to be February 20th based on the baby's length , 3 days before what the doctor calculated with her magic colour wheel that I still don't understand. 

We got to see the heart beating and the arms flailing about and the legs kicking...and then in a lower degree of cuteness, we got to see the bladder and the stomach too. They were basically just black dots . Let's see what else I remember..the heart beat went from 165 BPM at 10 weeks to its present 161 BPM. The length was 6.6 cm. The thingamabob they need to measure in the back of the neck was 2.1mm and they seem to say as long as it's under 3mm it's a good sign. 

I was so focused on not peeing on the technician that I missed a few pieces of information regarding the procedure. 

The baby is already stubborn like was pretending to be on a slip and slide when it was supposed to stay still and then was perfectly still when we tried to move its position for certain measurements. Coughing a few times helped.   (Note: I really hate saying "it" to describe the baby. It will be nice when we can find out if it's a boy or girl.)

So once we were done and I was finally allowed to pee, they sucked more blood out of my arm for tests and sent me on my way with a nice bruise an a picture I forgot to pay for at the front desk. Whoops. 

My next appointment is in 2 weeks with the doctor. I have no clue what we will talk about. I'm guessing we will discuss my test results. Perhaps I will have the pleasure to pee in a cup again.

This whole being pregnant business is weird. People want to touch your tummy without your permission and strangers ask for your urine.

Until next time!

PS: You know, the more you look at the ultrasound the more the baby looks like a young Nick Carter chilling on a hammock and blowing out some smoke. Odd.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to touch your tummy without permission because that's what good friends do ;)
