Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Due Date Tango - 15 weeks

These doctor's visits are pretty pointless aren't they...but I guess uneventful is a good thing in this case.

My weight's fine (lost 1 pound since the beginning but she didn't seem worried).
My pressure's fine (no clue what it was).
The baby's heart rate is fine (144 this time around)
The tests results from the first visit were A-OK and my iron levels were good.
I am still having difficulties aiming for the pee cup.
In 4 weeks we will do this all over again...

My doctor says the ultrasounds confirmed a February 23rd expected due date...which confuses me because I was under the impression she had calculated February 20th when we went. Like she said though, the baby comes out when it's ready, the due date is meaningless.

Mommy Update

I'm still a bit tired and craving fruit by the bushel. I think I should buy shares at Farm Boy. I'm not showing yet, I just look heavily bloated. I think I'll be wearing normal pants for another little while. I do not seem to have the huge-boobs-while-pregnant gene that my sister had. I am rejoicing. Not sure about Francis.

Baby Shower Update

The grand-mamans met, and discussed the shower and asked for my feedback and ideas which was really appreciated. I like small gatherings. You know, like 10 people..and nobody really pays attention to you because they are busy talking amongst themselves. So when the tally of "close family and friends" came up to 150, it was a little scary for me. I proposed a few things that would help me not feel like a beluga whale on display at MarineLand. I'm sure they will do wonderful job and that I will not only survive but fondly remember the event.

Consumerism Update

I went to Kiddy Town twice already. I think that's who I'll end up going with for my registry. It's totally me: messy and full of Canadian brands and the staff is amazing.

The first visit with Francis, in which a saleslady convinced us we need a B.O.B Revolution stroller. She explained a bunch of stuff I didn't know about car seats and moving them around and then I got to show off my strong pipes as she made me try to lift some of the seats up. Francis was proud. I think I might have pulled one of my biceps when showing off though. We bought pyjamas. We couldn't help it. They were ridiculously cute.

The second was with Jen, who's a month more pregnant with me. It was nice to laugh at all the mysterious little gadgets with a fellow hockey player. You know you found a good shopping partner when she compares swaddling to making a taco.

I must admit I am quite confused about the plethora of cutesy gadgets and decorations available to mothers. There are areas dedicated to crib bedding in stores, yet Health Canada recommends no blankets or bumpers. See, intuitively, if I was a baby I'd want to feel like I'm in a small enclosed safe area much like my familiar pre-birth environment. So it seems that sticking a baby on their back in a huge open crib would make me panic. But then again, I'm not a baby anymore. So we'll try to sleep sack thing.

Let's see...what else did we buy..oh we ordered a diaper bag from DadGear which is pretty awesome and not at all girly girl.

Until next time!

Steph and Casper

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